Cost: $110
Location: Tattoo parlor [unknown]
I've concluded that my body (especially with swimsuit season coming up!) won't continue to be so forgiving if I eat a cupcake a day. So today, I finally took a break from my sweet addiction. It was quite the challenge, but thus far my only withdrawal side effect is being a little cranky.
Today, I spent the majority of my time on campus at Montclair. A photography professor, whom I shared my blog with, made a comment that 'cupcakes were for adolescents.'
I couldn't disagree more!
What's juvenile about a little cup of happy goodness?!?!
Personally, I think if adults ate more cupcakes they'd be happier! While in the cafeteria today (avoiding the sweets) my best friend pointed out the back shoulder of a girl standing in line.
My eyes widened as I found myself starting at: a cupcake. An adorable illustrated PINK cupcake was right in front of me.
I kindly asked the young lady if I could photograph the tasty dessert that she had tattooed on her back. The girl, named Stephanie, laughed and said sure.
My friend Sean was kind enough to take the picture with his fancy digital camera. I asked her why she got that particular tattoo, and she said "it's an inside joke with some friends back home."
Now while some might think it's a little extreme, I don't know if I've ever seen a tattoo I've adored more.
What do you think?
Nom nom,
Special thanks to Stephanie for showing off her ink and Sean for taking the picture =)
Actually, I think that is an awesome tatoo, and you know I'm not a big fan of tatoos...